October 28, 2022
XAPT provides a platform for the Women of XAPT to grow and contribute to the Technology Sector and Equipment Industry
It is not a secret that women are underrepresented in information technology, nor is it a surprise to learn that there are more men than women working in the heavy equipment industry. However, companies like XAPT are providing space for women interested in these industries and giving them room to learn, grow, and advance as they help the company and its customers do the same.
It turns out, despite XAPT’s focus on empowering heavy equipment dealers with technology, this is a company that is focused on its people as it is with the software it develops and delivers globally. An interview with seven employees at XAPT, all women, all levels of seniority, and all within diverse functions within the organization, reveals the balance between the human and the machine, the company and the customer, the individual and the team, all from the perspective of working as women within a male-dominated industry. This balance has not happened by accident and is due to a culture of collaboration and transparency that has led to success both for the company and its individual employees.

Many of these women came to XAPT with some nervousness about the possibility of being the only woman on their team. Sumie So, a Microsoft Consultant working from the Philippines, describes the feeling as intimidation, mostly because she was, at the time, new to the heavy equipment industry. “My first project was my first experience with the heavy machinery industry. Everyone else had previous experience,” she says. She admits that she found comfort and confidence with her assigned service team, which happened to be all female. “Every other team was all male, and I ended up with an all-woman team. It was lucky for me,” she explained. She took the opportunity to ask several questions so that the process would become ingrained in her, she says. Sumie was grateful for the informal mentorship she received from the three women she met in her early days at XAPT. However, she now realizes that the entire company is collaborative and supportive and confidently works within the industry and with all sorts of teams, women and men alike. Sumie had the opportunity to pay it forward the positivity of her beginnings at XAPT by participating in the company’s formal mentorship program, providing training and advice to another new employee. Her training, both formal and informal, prepared her well as Sumie also represented XAPT for a potential project in Africa, where she successfully led the training initiative there.

Sumie is not the only woman on the team to travel internationally to support an XAPT project. Shortly after joining the company, Szabina Szentirmai, then a functional consultant and currently a Product Architect, moved to Australia, where she successfully supported five go-lives. She then returned to Hungary, where she focused on the 365-product upgrade. Although for a time, she was the only woman on her implementation team, she notes that she was always supported, included, and encouraged. She owes much of her success to a mentor, with whom she continues to work today. Szabina enjoys the complexity of her role at the moment, contributing as a key member of a team to develop a product that fits XAPT customer needs. “We’re constantly building something new,” as customer needs evolve, something that is a great responsibility but also really rewarding, she explains.

Each of the women interviewed commented on the collaborative nature of the different departments, starting with management, and extending to every level within XAPT. The focus on human relationships and collaborative problem solving, combined with technological skill, and understanding, clearly make a difference for both employees and customers. Evelina Andrei, a Consultant Manager, explains that she sees her role as one that creates solutions between the company and customer, between team members, and between different departments within XAPT, a process she describes as being fun and creative. She reveals that part of her success is her interest in understanding the perspective of another. That understanding leads to success for all involved. “It brings benefits to the business, the employees, and to our client’s customers,” she says.
The daughter of an engineer, Evelina, grew up with an appreciation of how the parts and pieces of a machine are interrelated and dependent on each other. It is this background that gives her a special appreciation of her career with XAPT, which supports a culture of cooperation and collaboration that helps drive the business forward, both for the customer and the company, “It’s taking my own responsibilities and thinking of them at the team and at the company level,” she says. She frequently reminds herself that each of her actions or decisions impacts her team, and the work of her team impacts other teams and, ultimately, the customer.

Dora Szreseny, a Team Leader at XAPT, also sees the importance of teamwork to drive the business forward. To reach goals as a company, Dora says that she specifically looks to know and understand her coworkers, their goals, and motivations. “This is the simplest way, and the most important thing in our business. . .for our product, the real asset is the person,” she says. The company will be successful, and customers will be delighted when teams are working at their best, she says of her line of work that relies on deliveries and deadlines of continuous product development.

Shauna Carney describes her role as being behind the scenes as the company controller, a role she recently assumed after working as a Senior Accountant for the organization. Yet she acknowledges the importance of each and every team member, commenting that it’s important that everyone understands their role and the impact of their individual contribution. “We don’t work unless it’s everybody working as a team. The more knowledge you can give everyone else, the better they are going to do at what they need to do,” she explains. She appreciates the effort XAPT makes to share company goals and how employees can work to fulfill them. “If you inform people and teach people on what’s going to help the company grow, it’s going to help everyone,” she says.

Although all the women interviewed talk about the feelings of teamwork and collaboration throughout the company, several have participated in XAPT’s mentorship program and attribute much of their personal success to their time with their assigned mentors. “One of the things I love most about XAPT is their training and mentorship program. It makes not just transitioning into the company so much easier, but it really sets you up for success,” Jaimie Cangelosi, a Consultant, says. Before engaging with customers, Jaimie explains that new employees spend about a month learning the applications. The consultants within XAPT continue to learn through collaboration with support from management and other teams within the organization. “If I run into some questions, I can send off an email to my contact for that specific topic. Before the end of the week, and sometimes before the next day, I have advice and troubleshooting as well as an offer to sit down together and walk through it,” she says. To Jaimie, it makes a big difference to be able to work somewhere where she feels supported every step of the way.

Judit Seres runs Human Resources for XAPT as the Chief People Officer and is a valuable member of the company’s executive team. Her team has been responsible for the recruitment and training of most of the women interviewed and helps support the collaborative and supportive culture that so many of the women mention. Judit herself returned to the workforce after focusing on her family and joined XAPT in a part-time role, where she has grown into the position she has today. As the company has grown, she has helped it evolve. Judit reinforces the importance of the people in a technology company. “I see the future. . . and it’s the people,” she says. As she continues to help the company grow by supporting its employees, she feels particular pride when she sees women excelling at XAPT.” Wherever I see a woman being a leader, I’m always proud,” Judit says. Her pride comes from an organization that is focused on supporting women in an environment that is typically male-dominated and creating a company where teamwork and collaboration are a constant for all employees.
XAPT is a company that focuses on providing the best possible solutions, technology, and service to its customers. Although the product the company provides is based on technology, the human component of XAPT’s success is quite evident. These women of XAPT are valuable contributors within the organization and within the industry. They will continue to be a part of the company’s continued success, thanks, in part, to the company’s continued focus on collaboration and teamwork.
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